ACMF Annual Anchor Award
Distinguished Patron: His Excellency Dr. Irfaan Ali, President, The Co-operative Republic of Guyana.
Gala Chairman: Rick Murrell, President and CEO, Saltchuk Logistics.
Honoree: Edward Gonzalez, President & CEO, Seaboard Marine.
Date: Friday, November 4th 2022 at 6:00 pm EST.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Presenting Sponsor
Please contact the Geneive Brown Metzger, President and Executive Director at: for more details.
Platinum Sponsor – $50,000
- Academic Scholarship named for the Sponsor
- One (1) table of 10 with priority seating
- Acknowledgement at the Podium
- Sponsor Title and Logo branding on monitors during entire event
- Logo branding on ACMF website before and following event for 3 months
- Full page tribute ad in Anchor Awards Magazine
- Exclusive photo-op with honorees and dignitaries with rights to use photos
- Logo on Step ‘N Repeat at Cocktail Reception
- Caribbean, U.S. and maritime industry press promotion
- Top billing on Sponsors Page in Anchor Awards Magazine
- Listing in event video credits
Grand Sponsor – $25,000
- One (1) table of 10 with priority seating at dinner
- Full page tribute ad in Anchor Awards Magazine
- Verbal acknowledgement at the podium
- Logo on Step ‘N Repeat
- Acknowledgment listing in Dinner Program Sponsor Page
- Caribbean, U.S. and maritime press promotion
- Listing in event video credits
- One (1) table of 10 with priority seating at dinner
- Full page tribute ad in Anchor Awards Magazine
- Recognition on-screen during event
- Acknowledgement listing in Dinner Program Sponsor Page
- One (1) table of ten tickets at dinner
- Full page tribute ad in Anchor Awards Magazine
Magazine Sponsor: Click for ad reservation
- Full page tribute ad in Anchor Awards Magazine (8.5”w x 11”h with .125” bleed*)- $1,000
- Half page tribute ad in Anchor Awards Magazine (8.5”w x 5.5”h with .125” bleed*) – $600